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In this role I contribute a minimum of 12-15 articles per month, pitch original content and remain knowledgeable about popular games, work under tight deadlines on a contracted freelancer schedule, and collaborate with an editorial team through publication. When writing informative and eye-catching content, I also do my own research to maintain accuracy and reliability, format and source all images, and work within best SEO practices.




My Tomodachi Life Is Full of Ghosts

An essay on how life simulation games that encourage re-creating real people can function as a living journal. Discusses the nature of reflection and personal growth via the interactive medium of a video game.

Link Is Haunting Breath of the Wild

An article dissecting Link's role as ghost in Breath of the Wild. Discusses the entire franchise of Legend of Zelda through the lens of tragedy.


Growing Up on Halo

An article about my experiences playing Halo with my brother and the emotional impact of the game. This article was mentioned by Critical Distance as a part of "a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days."

In The Guardian: "It perfectly captures how games often fit into the tapestries of family life."

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